Friday, April 23, 2010

The Universe Hates Me

Yesterday, we had went outside for my last class. All we did was play cricket (the American school version!) which was nothing special. During this time I, and another student in my class, had noticed that the sky was moving from a nice cloudy day to a dark and forbidding one. By the time we had gotten inside two people had felt raindrops and the sun was gone. As assumed, we got a April storm from the south.
The temperature dropped 20 degrees, and on my way out the rain was pouring. I knew my father would be able to pick me up, so I had nothing to worry about, but my friend had to walk home. He refused a ride from my other friend, so he was going to take the bus.
I actually like being inside during the rain. But as soon as we got home... the rain stopped.

So fuck you universe. (JK.... maybe...)

Sunday, April 18, 2010


I have a problem.
It's been going on for a while now, it's tearing my life apart. I've dropped school work, homework, chores. I haven't showered in days. My life has been devoted to this one thing, and it's draining my cash. I try to do some homework, but it calls to me. I say "Okay, ten minutes, then back to work." But I look at the clock and a hour has passed. All I can think about is my next game.

Yes people. I... am a Fallout 3 addict.*

*Like seriously I have Ol' Painless and Lincoln's Repeater along with my Railway Rifle and I'm kicking Raider ass. Now all I need is something that can protect me more and I'll be killin' Murlocks and taking names. Hey! Want me to go get my laptop so I can show you my bobble head collection?

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