My mother has a Vacuum for... a really long time. She'll let me take it apart when it breaks, so I will have access to a fan motor. Which gave me a idea for a marble lancher. But marbles can hurt people... people who can sue me. So I got a better ammo... Paper Clips!
Paper Clips are very cheap, lightweight and easy to instal! And who ever died from a paperclip! Nobody! So I made this cheap picture of what I want to build...

It seams easy enough, I mean... All I need is some plastic, 2 springs, a wheel, a motor, a power source, a rubber band, a button and some paperclips. The springs in the clip would push the paperclips up to the spinning wheel, where they would be flung of into the target. I can imagine all the people who work in a office wanting one of these... All I need is a motor that isn't small. Hopefully the Vacuum motor will be fairly powerful, and not too big. I might need some counterweights if it's heavy....
Also, New Setup, Hope you guys like it.