Well, I have a friend at school. His name is James. He should be reading this right.... now. HEY JAMES. WHAT DO WE HAVE FOR MATH HOMEWORK?
James will one day be a billionaire Movie writer. So one day, I'll point to him on the Television screen and say to my kids "I knew that guy in High School. I was his friend. He was the guy who gave me loads of cash so I could pay my bail. He used to give out bagels at lunch. Real nice guy too. Me, him, and other peoples would do all sorts of cool things."
Okay, enough with the dramatization. I'm not even sure we're friends. He's just some guy I talk to, but he's real nice. I've never seen him pissed off in my life. Now I hope after reading this he doesn't become mad or do something horrible like give me the cold shoulder.
Well, another reason I made this post is because I'm messing with the blog design again. So don't adjust your computer screen, everything is alright. And thank you James, for not getting made\ at this post.
Michael you should do a video blog and these blogs are so stupid no offense. you know who it is .